To add subjects and associate teachers with each subject, please follow the steps mentioned below:
Step 1:
Please make sure grade is added in the system and all the teachers associated are selected while adding the grade.
Step 2:
Go to Admissions > Grades.
Click on three dotted icon and select “Add/Edit Subjects”

Enter Subject's name or (select from drop-down if subject is already available on the list).
Select teacher from Teachers drop-down.
Teachers associated with the selected grade will be displayed in teachers drop-down for selection.
You can add more than one subject by using the + icon displayed in Action column.
Click on Save button.

You can view list of subjects and associated teachers for the grade from Admissions > Grades > Upward sign > Subjects.

When Student is enrolled in any grade then all associated subjects are assigned to the student.
Note: Please note that assignment cannot be added in the system unless a subject is already present for the selected grade. If you do not have grade to subject association, then please refer to below articles to complete the setup of the required information: