To add student form template, please follow the steps mentioned below:

  • Go to Settings > Select Student Form option under Templates.

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  • Click on add new template if you want to add a new template.

  • Click on Edit icon displayed in order to update existing template.

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  • Enter the template name.

  • Select required statuses for default fields.  

  • Click on Custom fields check-box in order to add any extra customized fields.

  • Enter the field title .

  • Select display status (on where you want to display these fields like, Online/inperson or for All)

-If Online is selected, then your fields will appear on online form only.

-If in-person is selected then it will be available on admin's dashboard only.

-Whereas if select All then it will display on both.

-If Inactive is selected then field will not display anywhere.


-Select display type (Mandatory Or Optional) as per requirement, whatever you select as display type these fields will work accordingly.

-If Mandatory is selected then while updating student’s information, it will not be saved without providing data in these fields.

-If Optional is selected then, it’s up to you whether you want to enter information in these fields or not.

-Click on add row, if more rows are required. 

  • Once done, click on save. 

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In order to select your customized student form as default form for your school, please follow the steps mentioned below:

  • Your added student forms are listed under Default Student Template drop-down, select required form from the list. 

  • Click on Save button once the required form is selected.