STEP 1: Unregister:

Go to Programs
Click Registrations

Click Registrations
Search for the Registrant name in Search box
Click Search


If name is found click on the button available in last column against the name
Click on Unregister to cancel the registration

A confirmation prompt will appear please click on Yes to proceed


If recurring transaction is setup for program fee payment, then in order to cancel the recurring for fee payment.

Please go to Donations > Transactions > Recurring Transactions > Search & click on the required record.

Then click on the â€˜Cancel All Remaining’ button to cancel the recurring setup for the registration fee payment.

In order to refund the cash transaction, got to Programs > Click Registrations > Click on the button available in last column against the name > Click on the Void to adjust your financial records > Confirmation prompt will appear please click on Yes to proceed. This payment has to be manually refunded to the donor via cash or check.

If a payment transaction is done via CC or eCheck, then go to Donation Management > Transactions > Search for the required payment transaction > Click on the button available in last column against the name > Click on Refund

Once Refund icon has been clicked, the status of transaction will change to REFUNDING and after Forte settlement status will be updated to REFUNDED. 

(Note: Refund option is available for Forte only)

Voiding a transaction is just cancelling it from Mohid (that is updating the financials) without exchange of the amount.
For instance, a transaction is processed in your Mohid and amount has been deposited in bank account but this transaction was processed mistakenly under a wrong category. Now you will just void the transaction and add a new transaction under right category for record  purpose only (meaning that there will be no process of payment again since payment is already received in the bank) to update in the system.
Refund option is used when you require to reimburse the amount as well besides cancelling it from Mohid.
For instance, a transaction is processed in your Mohid and amount has also been deposited in bank account but donor ask you to refund the transaction for any reason. In this scenario, you will use refund option. It will not only update the system but also return the amount into donor's account.
Note: Refund option is available for Forte only.

Note: In order to update the payment information of the donor and re process the declined transaction (if any). Below help article is for your reference.