For details on Forte error codes, please refer to below link:

Description of few common errors is stated below:

U10: DUPLICATE TRANSACTION - Forte has a default 5min timer preventing accidental duplicate transactions from the same card same amount. If you want to change this timer or remove it altogether just send an email to with your merchant ID

U83: NSF - means that there are Not sufficient funds in donor's bank account

U83: INVALID ACCT - It is due to new card issued to the donor. Please contact donor for updated credit card information

U83: DECLINEThe cardholder's bank declined the transactions. The cardholder will need to contact their bank as they can explain why they declined the transaction.

U83: Expired Card: Please contact the card holder to get his/her card renewed.

U83 PIC UP: The U83 error code is a decline directly from the authorizer. We would recommend to contact the number on the back of the card to determine why the authorizer is not allowing the transaction to approve.

U83 CID Mismatch: the security code entered is invalid

U80: The donor's account has been placed on Forte’s known bad list due to rejected payments by Donor's bank. The donor’s bank first reject the payment due to a reason such as insufficient funds, request from donor to stop payment, account closed etc. The payment information must be updated otherwise the transaction will continue to decline every month.

U02 ACCOUNT NOT APPROVED- Customer account is in Forte's "known bad" account list (EFT only). Please send email to Forte's customer service at or call 866.290.5400 Option 1, Monday – Friday, 7am – 7pm CST. with your Merchant ID, error code, donor's name and transaction details for resolution of the issue. They will assist you in this regard.

U78 DISALLOWED ACH SEC CODE- Send an email to with Merchant ID and Merchant Name and ask them to enable SEC code ARC and WEB for their account.

Authentication Is Invalid - This error occurs due to incorrect Forte credentials. In order to resolve this issue, please send email to Forte's customer service at or call 866.290.5400 Option 1, Monday – Friday, 7am – 7pm CST. with your Merchant ID, API Login ID, Real-Time Password and Secure Transaction Key.

FORTE ERROR (doDirectPayment): E: Credit card expiration date is invalid. Donor has entered incorrect expiry date for the credit card while entering the information

FORTE ERROR (doDirectPayment): E: Email is invalid is an error only due to incorrect email address of donor; it's not a decline therefore transaction will be processed and credited into their bank account.

R03 - Unable to Locate Account : Account number entered did not correspond to an actual bank account so the Forte was not able to pull funds. Most likely there was an error in either the bank account or routing no. Please contact the donor to confirm the bank info

If 'Parent Transaction not found or in Settling State' error appears, it means that the parent transaction, (which can be $1 the transaction processed for recurring setup) has been voided or still in settling state. Due to this the upcoming transaction is also rejected. We suggest to customers to cancel all the remaining transactions and set-up a new recurring transaction.

Forte Error U19: Invalid TRN: This error is displayed when incorrect routing number is entered while processing transaction.

E eCheck account TRN is invalid: This error is displayed when incorrect routing number is entered while processing the transaction.

U56 Card Type Not Allowed: If credit card (AMEX/Visa/Discover/MasterCard) is used by donor after deactivation on Merchant Account by organization/masjid, then the transaction will be declined with U56 "Card Type Not Allowed” error code.

E: Address1 is invalid: This error occurred if address includes comma.
U83: TRANS NOT PERMITTED The transaction was declined by the authorizer. To determine the reason for the declination, contact the number on the back of the card.
U80: PREAUTH DECLINE: Transaction was declined due to a pre-authorization (Forte Verify) result. Forte Verify is a subscription service that looks up the status of an echeck account to determine if the customer account is valid and in good standing.             
U83: AUTH DECLINE: The transaction was declined by the authorizer. To determine the reason for the declination, contact the number on the back of the card.

U54: Invalid Merchant Config Please send an email to with the Merchant ID and below error details. Please do copy us at

U04: MONTHLY TRANSACTION LIMIT EXCEEDED Daily and Monthly ACH-Credit limits are being exceeded, therefore, to resolved this issue a limit increase will be required.

U03- DAILY TRANS LIMIT: Merchant daily limit exceeded (EFT only). The EFT daily limit amount is set during enrollment. To adjust this limit, call Customer Service at 800-337-3060 option 1.

U53- PER TRANS LIMIT: The transaction amount exceeds the merchant's maximum transaction limit (echecks only).

If any merchant wants to remove option of AMEX and Discover credit card processing from their account so the transactions using these two cards cannot be processed. In this case Forte needs an email along with the Merchant ID requesting to disable AMEX and Discover processing. email needs to be sent at