With Quick Donations , donors can complete the transactions 40% fast , as they donot have to go through multiple steps of entering donation amounts and selecting various transaction types .
Step 1 :
- Login to MOHID dashboard and go to KIOSKs
- Click Edit for the KIOSK you want to enable the feature
Step 2:
- Under KIOSK Interface Design drop-down, Select Tap N Go
- Click Save
Your KIOSK Home Screen will be changed to the Quick Donation Interface
How to Change Pre-set Donation Amounts
Step 1:
- Login to MOHID Dashboard
- Go to KIOSKs -> Edit KIOSK settings
Step 2:
- Scroll down to the end and update the Tap N Go Amount values
- Click Save
How to Change Quick Donation Category
Step 1:
- Login to MOHID Dashboard
- Go to Settings -> Donations
Step 2 :
- Scroll down to Payment Configurations Section
- Change the Category value
- All future Quick Donations will be tied to newly selected category
- Click Save