This help article explains how to
install the new Forte EMV card reader (MagTek
Dynaflex II Go) to the MOHID Plus KIOSK
IMPORTANT : The steps must be
followed in the order listed
Step 1: Remove the Existing base plate
- If you are installing the EMV device on an
existing KIOSK, start with removing the
existing baseplate (along with the
Magnetic Strip reader).
- Unplug your KIOSK from the power supply,
remove it from the wall mount and place it
upside down on a table (make sure to place
a soft cloth under the screen to protect
it from damage)
- Unscrew the 3 screws from the back of the
base plate and remove it from the
- Note: The baseplate might be glued to
the back using double-sided tape. Pull
it with a bit of force to remove it
from the KIOSK.

Step 2: Content description
- The EMV kit should come in 2 separate
- Open both boxes and make sure you have all
the material shown in the picture
Step 3: Connect baseplate to KIOSK
- Use the supplied screws and cable holder
(D) to mount the baseplate (A) on the
back of the KIOSK
Step 4: Connect bracket to baseplate
- First put the 2 screws (E) in the bracket (B) holes
- Next place the bracket (B) on the baseplate (A) and make sure there is no gap between the bracket and the KIOSK edge
- Now, tight the 2 screws (E) to secure the bracket on the baseplate.
Step 5: Connect EMV Card Reader to bracket
- First put the EMV card reader (C) half way inside the bracket
- Make sure that the 4 lights on the EMV reader aligned with the bracket slots as shown in the below picture
- Connect the USB-C cable (F) with the EMV Reader (after fishing the USB-C end of the cable through the hole in the bracket)
- After the USB-C end of cable (F) is securely conencted with the EMV REader (C), push the EMV Reader (C) into the bracket (B)
- Finally, connect the USB cable (F) to the USB port of KIOSK
The EMV card reader (MagTek DynaFlex II Go) is now ready for use.