Since Forte deposits the amount into the bank in batches on a daily basis so admin/user can also check Batch deposit report in Mohid.

To use this report, please ensure below settings are done.

In Settings > Override Actions >
  1. "Allow Direct Donations in Accounts" should be enabled (It will automatically approve donation transactions (bypass Financial Management approval) and send them to Deposit section)
  2. "Allow Direct Deposit in Accounts" should be enabled When a transaction will be successfully processed by the payment processor, only then the Settled transactions will be automatically deposited. Credit card takes 2-3 business days and eCheck/ACH takes 4-5 business days to be processed by Forte.
  3. "Allow Direct Financial Authorizationshould be enabled (It will automatically approve Journal transactions (bypass Financial Management approval) and post them to corresponding accounts.
  4. "Allow Individual Deposit Date" should be enabled
Click Save button.

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In Financial, Pending Sales Receipts section, all pending sales receipts should be approved.

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In Pending Sales Receipts box, all pending sales receipts should be deposited.

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After that follow the steps mentioned below to generate the report as per your requirement:

Go to > Reports > Deposits
Select Account from the drop-down. Also select the date if required.
Click Search button and a report will be displayed as per selected filters.
Click on the Account field to View Deposit Details of the batch.

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Batch Deposits Tab - After clicking on required account a pop-up window is opened displaying all the details of the selected batch deposit.

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Batch Deposit Details Tab - It will display list of transactions on a single screen for all batches.

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