To pay Fee through Admin, please follow the steps mentioned below:
Once the student has been enrolled and approved by admin, related invoices will be generated. These invoices are displayed on Fee Management > Invoices screen.
In order to pay fee for any invoice, please follow the steps mentioned below:
Click on three dotted icon and select $ Make Payment option invoices screen to pay.

Below is the Invoice view where you have different options to pay the fees. Please make a selection as per your requirement.
1- Admin can pay for multiple students via single payment transaction.
2- Admin can select multiple invoices of the same student to pay via a single payment transaction.
Enter the Amount in 'Amount Paying' field. Hit Enter on keyboard.
To proceed further, you have following 3 options. Select one option as per your requirement.
1. Save Invoice(s): This option will only save changes made to the invoice by Admin. Admin can always return to the invoice and proceed further from those changes.
2. Save and Proceed Payment: This will give the option to make the payment through Cash, CC or E-checks.
3. Pay Online: Using this option, an online link for fee payment will be sent to the parent.

To pay the fees through admin Click on the 'Save and Proceed Payment' button.
For the first time, system will ask you to Add New Payment Method (Image Below).
Click on Add New button.

Select Payment method as echeck/ACH.
If Check scanner is attached with PC/Laptop then Click Scan Check and scan check from the attached scanner.
If no scanner available enter check deatils manually in Payment Details section.
Select Category.
Enter Memo & Enter Check no. in Reference field.
Enter Amount.
Click Save