In order to override grade request submitted via online form, please follow the steps mentioned below,
- Override Grade option is provided to Admin for Online enrollment applications:
As some school has its own policy regarding which grades to be assigned (such as different age groups have different levels) and they offer different programs to people as per their own criteria.
Now override grade option is provided on Admin portal. Parent will enroll their kids in available Grades and enrollment application will submitted with their preferred Grade from Parent Portal/Online Admission form and Admin have an option to edit grade before "Approve" enrollment application. As School will decide which grade/program and level should be assigned to student."
In order to override grade request submitted via online form, Conditions associated for this feature are:
1-Auto-approval of enrollment request will be off
2-Option to edit Grade will only available "before" Application Approval.
To override grade request, please follow the steps mentioned below,
Step 1: Go to Settings> General Settings > Other Settings and Un-checked " Bypass Approval process for Online Enrollment Request" option > Save.

Step 2:
After successful submission from Parent portal/Online Admission form, Enrollment Application will fall on Admin dashboard for Approval.
Go to Admission > Enrollments
Change Enrollment Status to " All Status" Or Un-enrolled and search
Click on Action Column three dotted icon > Click on "Edit Enrollment" of required student.

Admission Form screen will appear on this click.
Select Required Grade from Select Grade dropdown list.
And click on Save.
Step 3:
Once records updated, click and change Enrollment status to "Un-enrolled" from the search filter
Select Student by click on checkbox, and click on “Approve” button
Student will Enrolled in your selected Grade.