You can edit the recurring information to extend the period of recurring, change amount of transaction or stop processing of recurring for certain months.
Please follow the steps mentioned below to edit the recurring information:
Go to Donation.
Click Transactions.
Click on Recurring Transactions.
Enter Name for the donor.
Click Search.
Click on settings icon in right most column.
Click on the EDIT option - On the edit screen, you can change the values of editable fields as required.
Total Months: If you want to extend the duration of recurring transaction, then add the extended period to current value of total month’s field.
Amount: If you want to change the amount of upcoming recurring transactions, then please update the value as required.
Next Recurring Date: If you want to stop recurring for certain period, please update this field to specify the next recurring date when you want to resume the recurring transactions for the donor.
Click on Save button